
Why avoid Cyber Attack on Turkish websites?

Today some Turkish hackers infiltrated in PKNIC database, which is the official domain name registrar for Pakistani ccTLD (Country code top-level domain) .PK domains. As a result, the hackers were able to deface around 110 .PK domains managed by MarkMonitor like Google Pakistan homepage (, Paypal Pakistan homepage ( and Microsoft Pakistan homepage ( etc. 

After this event, the Pakistani's are angry and unhappy. Their reaction can be found in comment section of various blogs, and it seems that they are going to strike back.

Normally those who take revenge, they try to satisfy their own righteousness. It’s as if saying, “Oh alright. Since you did that to me, I am going to do this to you”. It’s always the case of an eye for an eye when it comes to revenge. Same is the case of Pakistani's at the moment, but the truth is: people who take revenge are those who don’t know how to manage their own emotions correctly.

It’s common to feel hurt and angry when we feel mistreated but no matter how we are being treated, there is no such thing as righteous anger. Anything done out of anger is always wrong. It’s not an act based on balanced thinking. When we are being mistreated, instead of taking revenge, we need to ask ourselves “why we are being treated this way?”, find the answer and take the necessary action. 

Well, we are so sure they are doing wrong but are we? Even if we believe what others are doing is wrong, what other people are doing is actually what they believe is right. What we believe is right is only true for us. We are not here to change others to think the way we think or believe what we belief. We are here to know and discover ourselves. Are we going to fail our patience?

Are we really sure those were Turkish hackers? What if employees of a reputed organization, did all this to verify their hacking skills and added the Turkish language messages, so that no one can blame them? What if competitors of MarkMonitor did this hacking to capture market? What if hackers of some other country for example India, did all this hacking and added the Turkish language messages, so that no one can blame them? Pakistani hackers warned PKNIC on 9th November about vulnerabilities but they took it as a joke. Is it possible that some Pakistani hackers did all this hacking and added the Turkish language messages, so that no one can blame them? No one should consider it an act by Turkish hackers, without adequate investigation. 

In cases like these, normally we have two options to go for: 
One, rectify the issue by influencing others, after taking a positive action.
Two, walk away.

Don’t think about taking revenge, because there are better things to do in life than taking revenge. Life isn't forever down here in this world. Focus on your success by not taking revenge on someone. Be smart and put your attention on what really matters in life.

Read this article at Yahoo that lists 10 Reasons Not to Seek Revenge.

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