

What is PHPKetchup?
PHPKetchup is a PHP-GTK application development framework with a very small footprint, built for PHP-GTK coders who need a simple and elegant toolkit to create desktop applications. It focuses on MVC architecture and transformation of a PHP website application framework into PHP-GTK desktop application framework.

Practical Application: 
For companies who are more inclined towards website development, open-source and PHP, switching to another language can require reallocating resources, creation of projects from scratch, compilation of source-code after each editing, training of employees, or hiring of new employees; whatever is the case, leaving PHP for another language can be costly and time-consuming.

PHP-GTK is a cross-platform binding of PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) for GTK (GIMP Toolkit) which provides object-oriented interface to GTK classes. The existing frameworks of PHP-GTK for-example Callicore are not mature and up to mark, as many modern features like MVC (Model-View-Controller), Active Records, Internationalization and Scaffolding are missing. This necessitates the development of PHPKetchup.
PHPKetchup implements MVC architecture and resolves communication issue of View class and Controller class by using Symfony EventDispatcher, which is in fact Observer design pattern.
According to the July 2010 survey conducted by project team, highest market value of this project is $3000 per year. In future, this project can be extended so that PHP-GTK mobile applications can also be created.

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